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free 15-page screenplay review!


The quality of the first 10-15 pages of ANY screenplay are crucial when in the hands of an industry professional.  Those make or break early opinions can be the deciding factor on whether your script keeps moving forward or heads straight towards the bin.

So much can be derived from the first 10-15 pages of a script, and that’s why we are pleased to offer a review covering those vital early moments.


features & TV. all for free!


This review provides a comprehensive assessment on:

- The quality of your writing

- The strength of your hook/idea

- The pacing

- Dialogue

- Early character thoughts


no catch. no obligation.


Submit your script pages* via the form on this page along with your contact details, and we’ll give you an invaluable look below the hood on what’s hitting the mark, and what’s falling flat within 4 working days.

For more information, contact us at info@coverwrite.co.uk

*All screenplays are kept secure and destroyed from our systems within 1 week. We never share your information with any outsiders.


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